The Power in Journaling
Mar 24, 2021
Natalee Jean is a mother of 4 boys, wife to a swat sniper, gym owner, avid journaler and running coach specific to helping women overcome mental health issues like stress, overwhelm, and lack of patience and self worth.
Natalee was never a runner.. hardly an athlete in her teens. In her early 20s, she decided to go against the norm and train as a non-athlete for a full marathon. It was that single decision that changed the trajectory of her life. And she's journaled about these experiences which has helped her to truly see the adversities she's overcome.
Now, 15 years in to running, Natalee thrives in helping women not just cope or manage, but overcome mental health struggles through running. She has seen time and time again the power of movement and the impact it has on the whole family.
Here are some questions I had the opportunity to ask Natalee:
1. Tell us who Natalee is. (mom, wife, business owner, etc).
2. What led you to journaling?
3. How does someone get started journaling? (best tips)
4. What is one thing you want the listeners to know?
5. How can they find you / what freebies do you have to offer?