My Clothes Fit ME!
I know ... it seems odd for me to title this blog with my clothes fit me but the reason is for so long I have tried to make my body fit my clothes.
Clothes get too tight, time to lose weight.
Rather than buy clothes that fit me, I would obsess over changing my body to fit the clothes I already had. This viscous cycle started long before the mom-bod beating. If my pants became too tight then it was a sign of me "letting myself go." If my stomach hung over my jeans and you could see the infamous spare tire roll popping through my shirt then it was time to up my cardio to lose weight.
Never did I give myself any kind of grace. In fact, giving grace was an excuse for me to just keep gaining weight. And in my world, gaining weight was unattractive, undesirable and sadly, felt repulsive.
I spent countless hours stressing about my clothes not fitting. Countless hours changing from outfit to outfit to find something, a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g, to fit comfortably enough to leave the house without feeling insecure.
Then enter body after baby. Compliments galore while the baby is growing and my belly too. Then the baby enters the world and our bodies are expected to bounce back to what they were beforehand. Holy Jesus Christ - can society give us a hot minute to grapple with the fact that we are now responsible for a tiny human? Our body is definitely not the main focus here!
The problem is - society has brainwashed us to believe that our worth is tied to our appearance. It's the first thing we look to compliment about someone - "oh hey, you look great!" And sadly, we say it without meaning it just to make someone else feel good.
Wouldn't it be a brighter light if "oh hey, I love your heart and energy" was something we craved over what our bodies looked like? I know, I'm probably getting too foo foo here but it's just how I feel.
When someone passes (dies), we don't talk about their body and what they looked like. We talk about the impact they had on us. So why are we so damn focused on physical appearance being the dictator of our worth?
In an effort to be more mindful of how I view my body since I have two young daughters, I have worked a lot on myself in this area. My biggest achievement being that I'm excited to buy bigger clothes that compliment my body AS IT IS TODAY.
I'm done beating myself up over clothes that no longer fit that are probably 5+ years old. I'm living a much different life now being a mom and just like anything else that is outdated, I'm upgrading my thinking.
Do you find yourself struggling in this area? If you do, hang in there my friend. I did not change this overnight. It was many years, days and hours in the making. And some days I still fall into society's beauty trap.
Let me know if I can help you break free, as I have. Always here for you ❤︎